Thursday, June 26, 2014

Throwback Thursday: Historical Romance Edition #41

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Happy Thursday, everyone! And welcome to a new feature on Buried Under Romance and Love Saves the World.

What is Throwback Thursday?
Traditionally, Throwback Thursday celebrates nostalgia, asking participants to post a personal photo or an image from their past -- usually from 5 to 10 years ago. There are a lot of book blogs that also do a book-related Throwback Thursday.

The Historical Romance Edition:
Since Mary of Buried Under Romance and I are unapologetic lovers of historical romances, we've decided to focus on our beloved genre.

Here are our rules:
1. It must be posted on a Thursday.
2. It must be a historical romance novel published before October 3, 2008.

My False Heart by Liz Carlyle, published November 1999

Prepare yourself for the heart-stopping romance of newcomer Liz Carlyle. My False Heart is the luminescent love story of a chance meeting between two strangers one dark, rain-swept night in the English countryside. From that moment on, their destinies are forever changed.

When Elliot Armstrong, the dissolute Marquis of Rannoch, pursues a spiteful mistress into the wilds of Essex to sever their relationship, he is surprised to find himself hopelessly lost -- in more ways than one. Inexplicably drawn to a warmly fit house along an isolated country lane, he is mistaken for an overdue guest -- but he dares not reveal his identity for fear of being tossed back out into the torrential rain, a fate he admittedly deserves. The loving family that innocently welcomes Rannoch into their midst soon challenges his cynical convictions, and ultimately, resurrects his shattered dreams.

The beautiful Evangeline van Artevalde is an artist of exceptional talent and extraordinary secrets. Isolated from society by choice, the half-Flemish refugee has fled her homeland in search of a secure haven for the children in her family. But even the Essex countryside, she finds, is not without danger. As the clutches of her aristocratic English relatives tighten, Evangeline holds them at bay by sheer force of will, unleashing her emotions only within the walls of her studio. The furthest thing from her heart is desire -- until a drenched, strikingly handsome man shows up at her doorstep late one night. Soon, Evangeline finds she can no longer confine her passions to oil paint and canvas.

Drawn by desire, Elliot and Evangeline discover a powerful love neither thought possible. But malevolent forces surround them, and soon their secrets will be exposed and their hearts tested to unthinkable limits. Only if they can forgive the past will they have a future ...

I have to admit that I only discovered Liz Carlyle when I read A Bride by Moonlight last year and that left a very good impression on me. She's another author that I hope to read more of, especially her backlist -- but, as with all readers, there never seems to be enough time to read all these wonderful books.

This week, I'm featuring Liz Carlyle's debut novel in 1999. I love that the heroine, Evangeline, is an artist and a refugee and I wonder if there will be a culture clash between her and Elliot.

Liz Carlyle is embarking on a new series this August 2014, and the first book of the series is The Earl's Mistress.

To find out more about Liz Carlyle and her books, click below:

Head over to Mary @ Buried Under Romance and Ki Pha of Doing Some Reading for their picks for Throwback Thursday.^_^

Fellow historical romance readers are welcome to join us. Enter your link below so we can visit your TBT: HR Edition post for the week! (Then go here to copy the Link code to your blogs.)



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