Friday, November 8, 2013

Blog Tour: Taming a Wild Scot by Rowan Keats (Excerpt + Giveaway)

Today, Love Saves the World welcomes Rowan Keats and her debut novel, Taming a Wild Scot.

There is a giveaway for one copy of Taming the Wild Scot per the total number of tour stops. (US/Ca Only) Enter through Rafflecopter below.

To visit Rowan's other stops, click here.

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About the book:

Genre: Historical Romance
Elements/Tags: Medieval, Scottish, Highlander
Publisher: Signet Eclipse
Publishing Date: November 5, 2013
Series: Claimed by the Highlander #1
Format: Print, e-Book


Wrongfully accused of murder and left to die in a hellish Highland dungeon, Ana Bisset has lost all hope of freedom. But the beautiful healer’s luck takes an unexpected turn when a hooded stranger appears as her rescuer. After a harrowing escape, Ana settles alone in a quiet village where no one knows her past or her reputation. The last thing she ever expects is to meet her mysterious savior again...

Niall MacCurran is no hero, but a warrior on a dangerous mission to expose a threat to the realm. After his decision to free Ana, he now realizes that it is he who needs her help—willing or no—to advance his quest. But his growing feelings for the delicate yet resilient beauty soon jeopardize their safety—and not even Ana’s healing gifts may be enough to protect their love, or their lives.


A heroine needs to be bold -- and brave -- to earn the attention of a Wild Scot. My heroine Ana is near death, trapped in a pit after being unjustly accused of murder, but dying quietly is not in her nature ...
A rattle of heavy iron chain and a low groan echoed through the cavern.

The only other occupant of the dungeon was a large, badly beaten man chained to the far wall of the room above. The guards had called him MacCurran, but no one in Lochurkie carried that name. He was a stranger. A stranger who was receiving regular food and water.

She tried not to resent that, but failed.

Beatings could be endured; a lack of water could not.

Another sound broke the silence of the night -- a muffled grunt. It was accompanied by the slide of a leather boot on the dirt floor.

Ana opened her eyes and peered up at the mouth of the hole. Sure enough, the flickering gleam of a torch brightened the roof above her head. Someone was visiting MacCurran. At this hour? After the guard had gone to bed? A very odd occurrence.

“Hallo?” she called out. Her mouth was so dry all she managed was a croak, so she licked her lips and tried again. “Hallo?”

A terse exchange of whispers took place somewhere out of sight, then nothing.

No one responded to her call.

Chain links clinked, then fell to the packed dirt floor with a thump. More scuffled footsteps and another moan from the prisoner, this one louder. The glow of the torchlight dimmed, moving slowly but steadily away. The visitors were leaving. The thick pitch of midnight would soon clog her throat again.

A prideless plea spilled from Ana’s lips, driven by raw desperation.

“Please, don’t go.”

The circle of light on the ceiling continued to slip away.


The torchlight paused. Another harsh exchange of murmurs took place, ending with a short, final order. Then the circle of light grew larger. And larger and brighter still. They were coming back. Her bottom lip aquiver with gratitude, she shielded her eyes from the glare and waited to see a human face.

A hooded figure leaned over the mouth of the oubliette. A man, judging by the imposing height and broad shoulders. His face was hidden in shadow, the color of his brat lost in the murk. He stood over her for a moment, as if considering what to do, then threw down a rope.

“Tie it about your waist.”

It was a voice that brooked no refusal. Smooth and smoky like whisky, but edged with steel.

She stared at the dangling rope. Escaping her fate had not been her aim -- all she had hoped for was a glimpse of another person and a brief dialogue before death claimed her. But this man was offering her freedom. A chance at a future. Life.

Even as weak as she was, how could she not leap at it?
Faced with a difficult challenge, a romance heroine steps up. She grabs the rope, even when she doesn't know much about the man who's offering it. Actually, she does know a few things about him ... For your to win a copy of Taming a Wild Scot, tell us what you know about this mystery guy.


Buy Links:
Barnes & Noble:

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Meet Author Rowan Keats:

Rowan Keats pens historical adventures about hot Highland heroes and the women they claim. The first book in her Claimed by the Highlander series, Taming a Wild Scot, hits store shelves on November 5, 2013. Rowan's debut garnered a 4 1/2 star review from RT Book Reviews, which also named her "a rising star of medieval romance".

When not writing, Rowan can frequently be found in a dark movie theater indulging in a large bag of popcorn, or watching the sunrise with a mug of steaming coffee wrapped in her hands. She lives in Central Canada with a goofy black lab, a very talkative cat, and a daughter whose own creative talents awe and inspire her every day.


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Rowan Keats is giving away one copy of Taming the Wild Scot per the total number of tour stops. (US/Ca Only) Enter through Rafflecopter below. To visit Rowan's other stops, click here.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thank you for the giveaway. Madainn Mhath Rowan! Do you have a playlist you listen to while writing if so what types of music or bands do you listen to? Wishing you every success. -
    Barb Batlan Massabrook ,

  2. I can tell that the 'mystery guy' (I assume it's Niall) is big & strong, brave, and he has a conscious
    sallans d at yahoo dot com

  3. A strong willed heroine and a sexy mysterious Scot, can't get any better than that. I love the blurb and the excerpt is fantastic. Definitely adding to my to read list.

  4. Hi Barb! Great question. I love music, but I'm one of those odd writers who can't write to music--I'm too easily distracted. Before I know it, I'm humming and tapping my feet, but the fingers aren't typing any words on the screen. :-)

  5. Di, I have to agree. Anyone willing to come back for you under those circumstances definitely has a conscience. Good luck in the draw!

  6. Thanks, Steph F! Here's hoping you get a chance to read it. :-)

  7. Does anyone know when the Highlander romance genre became popular? When I started to read romance, I was astounded with how many HIghlander romance novels there were and I am still astounded to find more and more! I just wonder where it got it's popularity!?

  8. Love Highland music and listening to it in the background while reading a Highland novel makes me feel like I’m right there.

  9. Hi, Meghan! I started reading romances in the early 90s and Julie Garwood's highlander romances were very popular then.

    Thank you to everyone who commented and helped me welcome Rowan Keats!

    @Rowan, congratulations on your debut novel!

  10. Rowan, Taming looks great! I can tell the hero does have a compassionate side and maybe is a bit of a knight in shining armor (even though he wears a kilt) since he is rescuing a maiden. :-)

  11. I really like the cover for this book and it sounds awesome. I'm looking forward to reading it. Historical romance is my fave and I enjoy reading about the highlanders.
    Thanks for sharing :)

    lorih824 at yahoo dot com

  12. Congratulations on the publication of Taming A Wild Scot! Lovely cover. Thanks for sharing the great excerpt. What type of research did you do for this book? Have you ever visited Scotland?

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Meghan, I'm not sure how the genre got its start but I began reading them with Julie Garwood's novels in the nineties. I love the basic story--strong men claiming their women and defending their clan. And Scotland makes such a romantic setting. :-)

  15. Connie, my favorite Scottish tune is The Gael by Dougie MacLean...which most people know by its more popular version, Promontory (the theme for Last of the Mohicans).

  16. Hi Tin! Thanks for hosting me and my debut novel!

  17. Glenda, Highlanders simply can't resist a call for freedom. :-)

  18. Beautiful Disaster--I love the cover, too! Diving into an historical romance is a wonderful way to wile away a few hours.

  19. Book Lady--I've been to Scotland, but only once. I really would love to go again. As for research, I've loved the time period for a very long time, and my book shelves are filled with texts on Scotland. For this book, I did additional research into medieval herbalism.

  20. This sounds like my perfect kind of read. Just add a cup of tea.

  21. Haven't heard of this author before



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