Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Blog Tour: Highland Quest by B.J. Scott (Guest Blog Post + Giveaway)

Today Love Saves the World welcomes B.J. Scott who is currently on a book tour for her book, Highland Quest.

B.J. Scott will award gifts of swag (including a canvas tote bag, a mouse pad, a pen, book thong, bookmark, can cooler, magnet, and key chain -- US/Canada only) to randomly drawn commenters from this tour and her Virtual Book Tour, and a grand prize of one $50 Amazon GC to one randomly drawn commenter from this tour and her Super Book Blast.

To visit her other stops, click here.

For this stop, I asked B.J. Scott to write about the Highlands and here's what she wrote:

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Five things I love about the Scottish Highlands

Aside from the vision of a dashing Scottish hero, wielding a claymore, and running across the moors in a kilt, the first thing that comes to mind is the breathtaking scenery. While I have never seen it for myself, I have viewed enough pictures, movies and videos to feel like I have been. Rugged, snow-capped mountains, lush valleys dotted with fragrant heather and assorted wild flowers, crystal clear streams, magical, deep blue lochs, rolling hills and dense forests. That in itself is five reasons to fall in love with the Highlands.

But it does not end there. Be it today or in the past, the Highlands host some of the most impressive castles in all of Europe. Visitors can still walk the grounds on which they stood and in some cases, wander the halls of those that still remain standing.

You can visit small quaint villages in which the inhabitants hold on to an inherited sense of culture and traditions passed down through the generations. Gaelic was the language spoken by the Highlanders and still is today. The terrain in northern Scotland is rough and the towns were spread out, often with many miles between them. As the years passed fewer people chose to live in the Highlands in favor of the lowland areas. But for someone looking for a taste of Celtic culture and tradition a visit to a Highland village is highly recommended.

Historic sites and monuments are another reason to love the Highlands. Scottish history was one of turbulence and many battles were fought in a bid for independence or against rival clans or invaders from other countries. Remnants of Norse and Roman strongholds can still be seen. You can visit monuments constructed to honor men like William Wallace and Robert the Bruce, or walk the grounds on which the battles that changed the course of Scottish history took place.

The Highlands are also the birthplace of the Highland games. While they began centuries ago, they are still celebrated today. Steeped in tradition, men don their clan kilts and take part in sporting events, meant to prove their strength and skill. Rock and hammer throws, caber and sheath tossing are all part of the festivities. This event is so popular you can find Highland games taking place throughout the world.

I am sure there are many things about the Highlands I have missed, but someday hope to visit there for myself and find out just what they are. A trip to Scotland is on the top of my bucket list.

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Thank you very much for this informative post, B.J. !

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About the book:


No longer content in the shadows of his older brothers and on a quest to find his destiny, Bryce Fraser's chosen path is fraught with danger, passion, and decisions. Can his unspoken love for spirited, beguiling Fallon be triumphant in a time of war and uncertainty, or will they both fall prey to the devious plans of a traitorous laird from a rival clan?


Loch Ryan Scotland, 1307

“Wa . . . water,” Bryce mumbled, but there was no one there to listen.

His throat was parched and he ran his tongue over dry, cracked lips, but his action offered no relief. An entire loch lay only a few feet away, but he couldn’t muster the strength to drag himself to the bank and quench his thirst.

“Cold . . . so cold.”

Despite the sun beating down on him, he’d swear he was encased in ice. His life’s blood seeped from his wounds, soaking the ground beneath him. He tried to raise his head, but the excruciating pain radiating across his chest stole his breath away.

Was this what it felt like to die? If so, he prayed the Almighty would be merciful and take him now.

Bryce moaned, a shift in his position bringing on another nauseating wave of agony. He sucked in a short, sharp, gulp of air and stretched his arm out as far as he could, his fingers grappling in the dirt.

If only I could reach my sword.

Beads of perspiration dampened his brow. As the strength slowly drained from his body, drawing a simple breath became more difficult. The end grew near. No time to make amends for sins of the past, and he had committed his share.

Regrets? He had those, too. “Fallon.” He whispered her name then heaved a ragged sigh.

Buy the book!
Soul Mate Publishing
Barnes and Noble

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About the author:

With a passion for historical romance, history in general, and anything Celtic, B.J. always has an exciting work in progress. Each story offers a blend of romance, adventure, suspense, and, where appropriate, a dab of comic relief. Carefully researched historical facts are woven into each manuscript, providing a backdrop from which steamy romance, gripping plots, and vivid characters—dashing alpha heroes and resourceful, beguiling heroines you can’t help but admire—spring to life. A member of RWA, World Romance Writers, Celtic Hearts Romance Writers, and Savvy Authors, B.J. also writes contemporary, paranormal, time travel, and romantic suspense.

C.S. Lewis first captivated B. J.’s imagination in the fourth grade, and her desire to write sprang from there. Following a career in nursing and child and youth work, B.J. married her knight-in-shining-armor, and he whisked her away to his castle by the sea. In reality, they share their century-old home in a small Canadian town on the shore of Lake Erie with three dogs and a cat. When she is not working at her childcare job, on her small business, or writing, you will find her reading, camping, or antique hunting.

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B.J. Scott will award gifts of swag (including a canvas tote bag, a mouse pad, a pen, book thong, bookmark, can cooler, magnet, and key chain -- US/Canada only) to randomly drawn commenters from this tour and her Virtual Book Tour, and a grand prize of one $50 Amazon GC to one randomly drawn commenter from this tour and her Super Book Blast.

To visit her other stops, click here.


  1. I want to thank you for hosting me on your blog today. I look forward to visiting with you and those who stop by to say hello.

  2. Ooh, I love highlander books. I totally agree with the author-the Scottish highlands are gorgeous!


    1. Good morning Farrah,
      Thanks for stopping by. I can't think of a place I would rather visit more.

  3. Hi, Goddess Fish and BJ!

    Thank you for the opportunity!

    Good luck with your book tour, BJ!

    Hi, Farrah!

    Thank you for dropping by! I love Highlanders as well! There's just something about the Scottish Highlands that seem to make it a perfect setting for romances. =^_^=

    Have a great day, all!

  4. I love a Scottish hero.


  5. Aye, Ingeborg!

    Give me a man in a kilt and you have me swooning. Mind you a lot of people do not know that kilts as we know them were not worn in Scotland or Ireland until into the 17th century. During medieval time they wore trew or long stockings. The great kilt came next which was just a large plaid wrapped and belted. I know my covers have kilt but I was given a choice by my coverartist and editor. Kilted Jimmy Thomas or a Castle. Ummmm no contest :) I figured my readers would forgive and sigh ;)

  6. Loved the excerpt. Sounds like a great read. :)

  7. Thanks for stopping by Melissa. If you get a chance to read the book, I hope you enjoy it. This is the second book in a series. Highland Legacy is the first...released Nov 2011 and I am currently working on the third book, Highland Homecoming, to be released this spring. While a series about the three brothers, each has his own story so they can be read on their own.

  8. Nice list of reasons.


  9. I love the header on your blog. Very cool.

    B.J....I have never been to any Highland Games. I know that many cities have their own highland games. I'd like to check them out sometime.

  10. Very easy to find things to love about the Scottish Highlands. I must visit one day.


  11. I love reading historical stories of Scotland. I really love the excerpt. I wanted to help him very badly.

  12. Thanks for dropping by Catherine. Highland games are popular though out the world. we have several not to far from where I live but if you want to stay there(camp) you have to book now and hope to get a spot for Aug. They often have some good authors there too. I hope to make it this year.

  13. You are right Mary about things to like about the highlands. I hope to visit someday as well. My grandmother was born in Kirkintiloch, a small town near Glasgow and I am sure I still have relatives there.

  14. Sorry for the late post. I’m playing catch-up here so I’m just popping in to say HI and sorry I missed visiting with you on party day! Hope you all had a good time!

    kareninnc at gmail dot com

  15. Hi Karen

    As I mentioned on the other blog post, never too late to drop by and say hi ;)
    Glad you did

  16. Did you always want to write?


  17. Thanks for giveaway

  18. I love good stories about highlanders. My favorite so far is "Outlander" by Diana Gabaldon, but I'm always looking for new Highlander books to capture my imagination.

    mestith at gmail dot com

  19. I'm addicted to Highlanders adventures! I love to discover new authors who write their stories, to add their books to my TBR list. Thank you so much for this opportunity and this great giveaway!

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